Blanca Bercial
400, Pierce Street Apartment #7
94117, San Francisco, CA.
/ 2017-2023

I collected all the notifications from my leasing company, mail and delivery notes, neighbor notes, etc during the 5 years+ that I lived in that apartment. They conformed this living collage that slowly kept growing on the back of my front door.
Crshhhhhhhhhhhhh / 2022

Bus stop broken glass found on the street
I invite the audience to step on broken glass Crshhhhhh crshhhhhh crshhhhhh

Qué estarás pensando / 2022

Short hand writing for “Qué estarás pensando”crashing and sounding
Open Call for Nothing / 2021
Poster on public billboard
Inner Sunset, San Francisco, CA.


Untimed  / 2020
Clock mechanism, acrylic plastic, fishing line
From Photography Without Camera / Machine Gaze


Present / 2019
invisible ink on white wall, UV flashlight
From Recovecos II


Projection at Tunnes of the Mind
ZAZ 10 Corners Times Square
This is Okay / 2019
Tape on wall
Two-side mirror
Collaboration with Lexygius Sanchez Calip
From Mistranslation
Holes of Speech / 2019
galvanized steel sheet


holes of speech / 2019
Voice narrating Julio Cortazar’s Me caigo y me levanto poem in Golden Gate park, in-betweness-ness environmental sounds reverberations and echoes

From ...

Pauses in spoken language were never silent but mute. These pauses contain all the ambient sounds that immerse diction within a soundscape. On the other hand, written language pauses have names but do not sound.
How does an ellipsis sound?
How do we pronounce a word made of punctuations marks? 

In Holes of Speech, I recorded the sound of my voice reading a poem of Julio Cortázar in a tunnel of Golden Gate Park. Afterwards, I listened to the sounds in-between words, the pauses, the punctuation marks. These silences contain sounds yet we never grasp them.
For that, I made a composition of those sounds in-between my voice.
This sound installation contains punctuation marks sounded and augmented, distributed to conform new words.